Sách SAT

Price : $24.99
"I am a professional tutoring and academic coach with my own company in Manhattan. The redesigned SAT has presented new challenges for test prep educators such as myself, due to the lack of good practice materials available. The College Board has only released four official tests, and third-party materials tend not to capture the essence of the real test especially well. However, this is not the case with this book. It is a wonderful supplement to the official College Board materials, as most of the book is "guided practice" - collections of practice problems arranged by topic for Reading, Writing, and Math. For students who have particular difficulties with, say, exponents and radicals, or function notation, or subject-verb agreement, etc, there are groups of questions to hone in on and strengthen those particular skills. After all the guided practice, the book includes one full-length practice test at the end. Another benefit of this text is that there is little to no "filler," as there is in so many other test-prep books. The cover says "1500+ practice questions," and that is what you get - just plenty of practice, practice, practice. As a test-prep educator, that's exactly what I want and need from my materials, without the extra weight in my bag of all the unnecessary introductory materials that typically take up half of a large prep book. The test also includes answer explanations in the back, so it can be used for independent study, as well as in a one-on-one or group tutoring setting. I would absolutely recommend this book over the other third-party books that are out there. "

Price : $32.72
"McGraw Hill always does a really thorough breakdown of all the topics with realistic SAT problems for each topic. This book is really good. I always recommend it for my students."

Price : $70.81
"Great quality product and good price "

Price : $26.99
" JAN 2017 SAT 1420 690/730 essay 6/5/6 using paid online SAT prep software and free Khan Academy resources MAR 2017 SAT 1400 700/700 (in-school SAT, so no essay) at this point she has superscore 1430 700/730 NOV 2017 SAT 1520 760/760 essay 8/6/7 using College Panda books!!
Daughter was away at Yale Young Global Scholars this past summer, and then upon her return worked a part-time job and completed an internship before starting her senior year, so she was unable to take the August SAT. She was also unable to take the October SAT due to her fall varsity sport (playing in not just one but TWO state championships). The November SAT was her last shot! We have happily rushed her November SAT scores to her ED choice (top 20 engineering school).

Price : $37.00
"This was a great buy, very useful and helpful , I pa my SAT all thanks to this book."

Price : $20.00
" I really like the organization of this book. I used it for tutoring a high school student. It has great, short, focused lessons followed by a couple of pages of exercises. And, of course, it has 5 full-length practice tests. It also has diagnostic tests. I'm a math guy, so I actually learned stuff going through the English portions. (Presumably, I knew it once upon a time.)"

Price : $18.89
"As a private SAT/PSAT tutor, I have taken or studied all of the Official SAT Practice tests released by the College Board.... I can say with full confidence that the 10 SAT Math Practice Tests by the College Panda are so closely aligned to the ACTUAL SAT Math section, that it is essentially impossible to tell them apart. Not all review materials are created equal.... this book, however, is the real deal. I cannot recommend it enough."

Price : $19.95
"My daughter is a junior in high school, so this is the year she will be taking the SAT. This book will be very helpful as she prepares for the test. It's broken into different subject categories. There are several example questions. I was especially impressed with the answer portion because it doesn't just give the correct answer, it gives tips and reasoning for why the answer is correct. I remember having buying an SAT review book back in the 1985. The answers were provided, but that's all. There was no explanations given to help you understand the answer. Plus, my review book was basically just a practice test. My daughter has taken the PSAT once a year since 8th grade, so she's gotten practice taking the test. I think having access to a variety of practice questions and being able to understand why an answer is wrong or right is more helpful to her at this time. The way the book is laid out, I think it would be easy to do it in chunks as your time allows. Overall, I think this is a great tool for test preparation."

Price : $17.21
"I have been an SAT/ACT tutor for about 20 years. When the SAT changed recently, many test prep companies scrambled to quickly produce new prep books, and most of them are littered with errors and inaccuracies as well as questions that are simply not good representations of the material on the actual SAT. This book, however, contains practice tests that are good representations of the actual test. It also contains relatively few errors and typos. The Reading and Math sections are somewhat more difficult than those sections on the actual SAT, but they still serve as excellent practice. Highly recommended!"

Price : $66.69
"I’m a Harvard grad, SAT/ACT perfect scorer, and professional SAT tutor since 2002.
The Official SAT Study Guide, 2018 Edition (currently $16) is the most essential preparation book for the new, revised SAT and PSAT, which began in March 2016 and October 2015, respectively, because it’s the only physical source of official revised SATs—the practice SATs in other third-party books are nothing more than subpar imitations of the real thing. However, the PDFs of all 8 tests in this book, along with moderately helpful answer explanations, can also be downloaded from the College Board / Khan Academy websites for free (google "SAT Practice Tests - The College Board").
In addition, there are no score conversion tables provided: you will have to download the “Daily Practice for the New SAT” mobile app for iOS/Android, which allows you to take a picture of your answer sheet on your cell phone, then have it scored automatically, or to visit the College Board website (google "Scoring your SAT Practice Test #1") in order to manually convert your raw scores (total number correct on each section) into scaled scores (400-1600 scale, with additional sub-scores).
Thus, there is no need to buy this book--it's incomplete, and as I stated earlier, all 8 tests can be easily accessed online.
On the other hand, the physical book does still have its advantages over a bunch of PDFs—perhaps most importantly, the tests are already printed out for you (for now, the SAT is still a paper and pencil test, and you are allowed to write on the test, so in the interest of practicing the way you play, you should never attempt to take it on a computer screen). Those of you who have printers at home know how frustrating and/or expensive it can be to print out a 64-page test (68 if you include the essay portion, and 70 if you include the answer sheets). Even if you print double-sided, which you should, that’s still 35 pieces of paper and a lot of printer ink. And if you want the detailed answer explanations, then you’ll have to print out twice as much. That’s more than 100 pages of printing per test! Never mind the hassle of trying to keep all those pages organized. Do you staple them? Put them in a three-ring binder? The physical book solves these problems easily, keeps everything ordered and in one place, and obviates the need for internet access, at a fraction of what it might cost to print it out yourself ($16 / 1280 pages total = only 1 cent per page). Even if you were to only print out the 8 practice tests, then the book would still come out to less than 3 cents per page. Depending on your personal printing situation, this may or may not be a bargain for you (some of you may be able to print the PDFs for free at your high schools, for example), but you also have to factor in the convenience and organization of the pre-printed book.
More about me: I’m a full-time test prep tutor in San Diego, specializing in SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. Since 2002, I have amassed over 15 years and 15,000 hours of full-time teaching and private tutoring experience, both in-person and online via Skype. I’m also a Harvard grad (class of ’02) with honors and SAT/ACT perfect scorer who continues to take the test 2-3 times a year, so I like to think that I understand the SAT better than nearly anyone. And I’ve already reviewed all 8 of these new tests with my students, since they've already been available online for several weeks.
Many of the one-star, harshly negative reviews of this book will have nothing to do with the quality of the book and practice tests themselves; it's simply that the reviewers had expected 8 different practice SATs from the ones already released on the College Board / Khan Academy websites, and were thus disappointed when they saw the same tests in this book. (Having worked in this industry for a long while, I was not surprised--it takes a long time to create new tests.) I don't see this as the College Board trying to rip anyone off; I see it as its providing a free, digital option to students (which, by the way, it had never done before), as well as a more convenient, pre-printed option for less than $20.
In addition to the 8 tests, this book contains many additional pages of SAT prep advice, some of which cannot be found anywhere else, along with the practice tests and answer explanations that can be also found online. Although much of the first part of the book is superfluous, and most of it is also available online through Khan Academy, it does offer some moderately helpful tips in its introduction, including a test structure recap, concept overview, practice questions and explanations, as well as an essay rubric, scoring guidelines, and sample essays. As I’ve always said, asking the College Board for advice on the SAT is like asking the IRS for tax advice: the writers are not going to be overly forthcoming. However, I must applaud the College Board for increasing its level of transparency, and for releasing the tests in PDF form to benefit those who cannot afford to buy the book, as well as adding detailed answer explanations (though very often, the explanation provided in the book is not the simplest way to solve the question).
Oh, and the College Board *really* wants you to use the free online tools provided by Khan Academy. I would encourage you to make use of these online tools, practice questions and diagnostics, even though as a professional SAT tutor I am aware of their limitations.
Quick tip: when taking practice sections or full tests in this book, don't bother filling in the bubbles--just circle your answers (unless you plan to score your test using the "Daily Practice" app). For the essay, I recommend that you rip out the pages from the book--it's hard to write without doing so-- and that you practice using the actual essay space, to get a feel for the proper length. Always write by hand, unless you are injured or have a disability, and try to avoid the temptation to type it--good typists can type 2-3 times as fast as the average person can write by hand.
For some reason there is currently no way to download the Essay Space PDF online (ahem, College Board, please get on this), but if you want to practice filling in the bubbles, then you can google "Answer Sheet - New SAT Practice Test." I recommend that you scan the blank essay space in the book after you rip it out, so you can re-use it later if you end up writing more than 8 practice essays.
When it comes time to re-try the questions, I recommend that you either buy a 2nd copy of the book to keep blank, or that you print out a fresh copies using the free PDFs provided by the College Board. It's what I call a "blind review": going over all the questions you got wrong without first checking the correct answer/explanation, or seeing any of your previous work. In my opinion, blind review is one of the key facets of effective test prep. Thus, you should only mark your answers as correct or incorrect (this is easier when working with a partner). Most importantly, don't indicate the correct answers on the test before you get a chance to review them.
In contrast, if you go over questions by checking the correct answers right away, then you can fool yourself into thinking that you understand them fully, when in fact you are still prone to those types of mistakes. The best way to know for sure is to try the questions again, from scratch, *without* the aid of the answer key or the answer explanations. Only then should you confirm the correct answer and read the explanation provided.
Now, let’s talk about the structure of the new test.
-Entire Test: Four answer choices instead of five, no guessing penalty, essay optional (but required by the majority of colleges). Lots of sub-scores, including not only the usual Reading, Writing and Language, and Math scores (1-40), but also Cross-Test scores in “Analysis in History/Social Studies” and “Analysis in Science” (1-40), and sub-scores in “Command of Evidence,” “Words in Context,” “Expression of Ideas,” “Standard English Conventions,” “Heart of Algebra,” “Problem Solving and Data Analysis," and "Passport to Advanced Math" (1-15). I’m not so sure that any of these sub-scores will matter much to colleges: most colleges are simply going to want your Reading, Writing and Math scores, as well as your overall score (now on a 400-1600 point scale). However, these sub-scores should help you figure out your specific areas of weakness.
-Reading Section: 65 minutes, 52 questions. No more sentence completions or esoteric vocabulary. Lots of question pairs where the second question in the pair asks for “the choice that provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question.” For this reason, always glance at the next question for clues as to where the answer might be found. The new reading section also includes a significant number of vocab-in-context questions, as well as some graphs and charts at the end of the passages, with corresponding questions that are usually relatively easy.
-Writing and Language Section: 35 minutes, 44 questions. For those of you who have taken the ACT, the SAT Writing and Language section is nearly identical to the ACT English section. No more isolated sentences like the current SAT writing--instead you are given a series of passages with underlined portions to edit.
-Math No Calculator Section: 25 minutes, 20 questions. New concepts such as imaginary numbers (multiplying by the conjugate of the denominator) and synthetic division are tested. In some cases you must complete the square or use the quadratic equation, and in other instances, you are given physics-type questions that involve conceptual understanding, such as the fact that velocity equals zero when a projectile reaches its highest point. Estimation is often necessary. For questions 16-20, you must provide your own response (no multiple choice).
-Math With Calculator Section: 55 minutes, 38 questions. Pretty much the same stuff, except with a calculator. For questions 31-38, you must provide your own response (no multiple choice).
-Essay: 50 minutes, analyzing an argument. Essays are given three scores from 2-8 in Reading, Analysis and Writing (two different essay readers grade each essay from 1-4 and their scores are added together). The essay portion is now optional (but most colleges will require it). The essay space provided is three pages long, not including the page provided for outlining and brainstorming. The goal of the essay is to analyze how and why the author shapes his/her argument, and its effect on the reader. If you need help with this, then I would strongly suggest that you read the sample essays on pages 214-220.
These days, many students prefer the ACT The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018 Edition (Book + Bonus Online Content) to the SAT. But the College Board has been fighting back by inflating SAT percentiles and making other efforts to make the SAT more palatable for students. For example, one major reason to consider taking the New SAT instead of (or in addition to) the ACT is that the SAT allows you more time per question than does the ACT. Thus, if time management is a major issue, then the SAT might be a better test for you:
SAT Reading = 1.25 minutes per question (75 seconds)
ACT Reading = .875 minutes per question (52.5 seconds)
SAT Grammar (Writing and Language) = .8 minutes per question (48 seconds)
ACT Grammar (English) = .6 minutes per question (36 seconds)
SAT Math = 1.4 minutes per question (83 seconds)
ACT Math = 1 minute per question (60 seconds)
Please keep in mind that this book is not necessarily the best source of SAT strategy. For that you should consider buying additional strategy guides, and utilizing the help of free online sources such as the aforementioned Khan Academy, as well as Magoosh, Sparknotes, YouTube, and the like. Or, if you can afford it, then buy some additional SAT strategy books, find a classroom course, or hire a qualified private tutor like me. Even in this information age, there is still great value in being taught in person (or online via Skype) by a qualified, experienced and full-time professional.
As far as test-prep books are concerned, stay away from Kaplan, Princeton and the like—these big-market SAT prep books are typically watered-down to attract the average student, and are neither rigorous nor complete enough for high scorers. My current favorite authors for serious SAT-prep books are Erica Meltzer for Reading and Writing/Language (The Critical Reader), Nielson Phu (The College Panda) for the Math and Essay sections, Richard Corn for Math, and Mike McClenathan (PWN the SAT) for Math. I also think that Ivy Global is doing a solid job, though its books are overpriced.
Real SAT questions are of course always better to practice with, but for the new SAT, they are currently in short supply. So you should also try to get your hands on a copy of the October 2016 PSAT (copies were sent to students who took the test), as well as PSAT practice tests #1 and #2, which you can also download from the College Board website. Professional SAT tutors like me will obsessively collect every real SAT or PSAT we can find, and at the moment, there are few of them (14 total), so of course they are especially precious.
Over time I plan to write free explanations for every question in this book. If you have any requests for specific questions, then please email them to me. And if you're interested in learning more about how to prepare and study for the SAT, then googling "SAT Action Plan - McElroy Tutoring" would be a good place to start.
Thanks for reading my long but hopefully informative review! If you have any additional questions, then just let me know in the comments section and I’ll be sure to respond ASAP. As you can probably tell, I'm fairly obsessed with this test and I'll make sure to give you a thoughtful response."

Price : $18.89
I’m a Stanford educated private tutor who’s taught SAT prep for over 15 years. I have scored perfectly on the SAT (and ACT), built a decent sized YouTube channel with free SAT/ACT tips and college advice (SupertutorTV), designed a full scale online prep course for the SAT (The Best SAT Prep Course Ever), and written two books on the ACT math section (The Best ACT Prep Books Ever). In short, test prep is my jam.
If you want to prep for the SAT and get the best results possible, working with authentic practice exams is a MUST. This book is your best source, in book form, of such tests. That said, a couple caveats:
1) This book is NOT a wholly new book, but rather is an updated edition of the previous one(s). To 2018-2019’s book with 8 exams, this takes away two exams (tests 2 & 4) and adds in two new ones (tests 10 & 9, October 2018 and October 2017 US tests respectively). Just to clarify, the College Board has KEPT the naming system of the old exams for consistency (thank-you, College Board!), so when you flip open the book, the first test you’re given is labelled test #10, the second test #9, third test #8, etc. Had they renamed everything in this edition, chaos might have ensued! The parts of the book before the exams, on first glance, appears similar to the other editions. I will update as I work with the text if I see anything different.
2) 6/8 of the exams (tests 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 1) in this book are available online free, as is most of the rest of the book from the College Board. If you’re looking for the non-test parts of the book, google SupertutorTV free SAT resources for links (I know they’re a bit hard to Google, though the tests are easily findable). In all likelihood, College Board will release tests 9 & 10 free online at some point in the near future. As of now (May 10, 2019), though, tests 10 and 9 are likely only available to those who took these exams and ordered a copy of the QAS (question & answer service) or as unauthorized copies floating around on the internet.
Still, I recommend most students have a hard copy of the book. As others have pointed at, at .02 a page, it would cost you more to print the whole book than to buy it in most instances. But I realize a few things: 1. Not all students are going to use the first half of the book, and many want the tests only. If you’re just using this for the tests, each is 64 pages, plus the essay, so then your printing costs are around $10 if your cost per page is .02 a page. 2. Not all students have time for 8 tests, and some may turn to other sources for advice. If you’re cramming and your test is in 5 days and you don’t plan to study for it more than once, the book may not be necessary.
Here’s a breakdown of what’s inside:
1) A general overview of each section of the exam.
Here the College Board describes “what” it tests. Much of this is in the form of descriptions of the kind of information you need to know and representative questions of each question type (these are somewhat useful for practice). That doesn’t mean it describes what you need to know in order to ace the exams, or the details of “what” you need to know are. For example, it will tell you you must know how to punctuate end of sentences, but it won’t list all the punctuation rules.
I will applaud the College Board on this iteration of the test for being more transparent about what is actually tested than previous ones. Still, as with any material provided by the maker of the exam, there are limits to how much the test makers will share in terms of cracking the exam. For example, the material on the reader section includes a side note in the margin to pay attention to contrast, cause and effect, and sequence indications in passages. These are all among my lists, as a tutor, of “flags” in answer choices, or styles of reasoning that the College Board often uses to trick students. Are all of my “flags” mentioned by them? Not exactly. Do they specifically show you what it looks like when they trick you by using cause and effect in an answer choice when the passage only indicates correlation. Sort of. But the clarity of pointing out exactly how to game the test isn’t always there. This is in part just the nature of being material from the test maker. What test maker wants to make their exam seem “crackable”? Instead they want to make it seem as if it’s fairly testing true standards of comprehension. That’s fine, but it means that these overview sections will not necessarily be all a student needs to fully realize their best score on the test. I typically recommend that students also inform their understanding of the exam with materials from voices who aren’t the test makers, whether on YouTube, through a course, advice online from top tutors, a book by an independent tutor, or tutoring itself.
2) 8 “real” SAT Tests. Note that now six of these tests have been officially administered to actual students, tests 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5, which the College Board has put in this order for good reason. The more recent a test, the more likely the team that wrote it and their guidelines overlap with the team that’s writing YOUR SAT. There have been subtle shifts in time to the new exam (as there are over time with any standardized test), and these are most noticeable between the four “official” practice tests that the College Board released before ever administering this flavor of the exam to anyone (tests 1-4) and the rest of the exams, which were actually given to students at some point. Thus two of the preliminary “practice” tests have been ousted in favor of more recent, actually administered exams. Kudos to the CB for ordering these according to value (putting the most similar exams first, and other exams later). Still, some students may want to do tests 1 and 3 in the middle of their prep, saving the more similar tests for right before their exam.
3) Full text explanations for each answer choice. These will explain the right answers, and in terms of value, these are more hit and miss in terms of how much you can learn from them. For simple questions they do the job. For most math problems they present an answer that works, but sometimes shortcuts or content explanation is lacking. For more complex questions they may explain why a question is right, but often don’t explain why you were so tempted by the other choice and what subtlety made one choice superior. They also don’t offer much advice in the way of process. Often in hindsight, my students fully understand why B is right and C is wrong. They don’t understand how they can get themselves to SEE that fact while taking the test— and that is the holy grail of improving on the SAT (particularly on the reading section once you are past a 680 score-wise). There are a few process tips online from Khan Academy’s official SAT videos and from College Board, and some of that advice is good, though not complete. But the answer explanations themselves are less about process than about what is “right” and what is “wrong” (often expressed in near circular seeming logic) and in this sense may only help students to a degree. Again, getting more insights, by personal assessment, evaluation of your process, and advice from sources independent of the College Board will help round out this picture.
What’s NOT inside:
--Grading scales and charts, scoring worksheets
In other words, you must go online or use the app to figure out if you scored a 1400, the book does not include a numeric translation chart for each test.
I don’t really mind this, as CB has an awesome app that makes grading easy, referred to in the book. Just be aware it sometimes makes mistakes and you MUST use the bubble sheets to take advantage of this (it’s good to use bubble sheets anyhow, though, as it’s similar to the experience of the test itself). But know this is not in the book.
—Serious on the ground strategy
The book isn’t going to tell you to skim the occasional passage if you’re short on time or to skip the last few multiple choice answers and head straight for open answers on the math, or the kind of cues that make a choice “likely” to be wrong based on preferences of the test. Again I wouldn’t expect this from a test creator.
—In depth content on Grammar and Math
You’re not going to get in depth skills content on grammar and math that can be crucial for score improvement. Generally I recommend most serious students supplement use the tests here as a diagnostic tool. Then, they should use what they learned from the practice test(s) to identify and then drill specific areas they struggle with. For example, if you miss a question on comma use, you should review ALL the comma rules, then drill those down. If you miss a question on exponents, you should review ALL the exponent rules and drill them down. This book doesn’t offer this kind of focused review, at least not to the extent I like to have my students doing. You will not find a list of all the exponent rules you need to know, for example, or a list of appropriate times to use commas. You’ll need to go elsewhere for such content. (See example of geometry page in pictures: it lists "what" you need to know in terms of which formulas, but fails to provide actual formulas...)
Though some elements a full prep “diet” includes aren’t here, the College Board has literally created the most massive book ever on the SAT. I wouldn’t recommend trying to pack all this into one book…
Thank-you College Board for trying to level the playing field by making a grand swath of practice tests widely available. Thank you for making so much of this awesome resource available FREE online to those who can’t afford a book. And THANK YOU for publishing all of it in an affordable book that for most students is more than worth the $20 or so price tag.